A Beginners Guide to the All-On-4 Dental Implants: A Natural Looking Result

Dealing with dentures or a lack of teeth is awkward, but you don’t have to feel self-confident. Today’s cosmetic dentist in Jacksonville, FL has new solutions in dental care that give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Today’s technologies, such as the All-on-4 dental implants, are much easier procedures than those of the past. Instead of waiting months to repair your mouth, often, in just one or two appointments, you can walk out of your dentist’s office with a full set of teeth.

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Many people who want teeth restoration don’t have the right amount of bone in the jaw for traditional implants, which can involve bone grafts, six or more implants, and around 18 months of treatment. During treatment, you may have dentures that fit poorly because of the changing condition of your mouth. The All-on-4 process uses four implants per jaw, either upper or lower, to anchor the denture in place. This typically takes one day, and you walk out with a full set of teeth or new tooth. Six months later, the implant has been fully integrated with your jaw, which lets Dr. Gielincki, a cosmetic dentist in Jacksonville, FL give you a permanent set of teeth that are adjusted for a permanent fit.

Benefits of the All on 4 Process

With the All-on-4 dental implants, you will see quick results, with these benefits:

  • Improved appearance
  • More self-confidence when meeting people
  • Stop worrying about what you are eating
  • Care for your teeth without experiencing pain or difficulty
  • Prevent health problems associated with poor oral health

Confidence With Teeth Restoration

Make your appointment with Dr. William Gielincki by calling (904) 688-5275. Find the solution to your oral health problems and get the smile that makes you stand out; Stop hiding your mouth when you laugh when you get the treatment you need for a beautiful mouth today!

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